Healthy and beautiful skin for life starts with understanding the root causes of your current skin condition. This requires a meticulous and detailed assessment of your skin including a visual assessment, as well as an assessment of what lies beneath that has affected the functionality of the skin and a nutritional assessment of dietary factors that are affecting your overall skin health. This state of the art approach will allow you to heal, restore and rejuvenate all skin conditions for long-term correction.

What to Expect:

If you are ready to make a commitment to improving your skin health, you need understand the factors that are responsible for creating an imbalance in your skin. We start with education so that you understand the process of repairing and rejuvenating your skin. In this informative forty five minute session you will…

  1. Identify the underlying factors responsible for your specific skin condition

  2. Receive a visual assessment with magnification to reveal anomalies on the surface of your skin.

  3. Gain an understanding of conditions in the deeper layers of the skin

  4. Receive a personalized treatment plan including a recommended dose of essential skin care nutrients required to heal and repair skin functionality.

  5. Kick-start a nutrition program with three important changes that you can start right away to dramatically improve your skin condition.

  6. Receive a color match introducing your to mineral sunscreen that will protect your skin from environmental damage every day.

Client Preparation

In order to complete the goals of your assessment and get an accurate measurements on the day of your appointment, please be prepared in the following way

  • Do not wash your face prior to your appointment.

  • Do not apply moisturizer, make up or sunscreen.

  • Bring a list of your current skin care, make up, nutrition supplements and medication.

  • Please bring a food record (minimum 3 days) of your typical food intake, water intake, supplements and exercise.

A detailed advanced skin analysis is the cornerstone of every client’s journey to a successful skin care program.

Duration: 45 minutes | Cost: $75.00